Contributed papers


The contributed papers (20 min. communications or posters) will cover all aspects of drug residue analysis in FOOD, FEED, BIOLOGICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL matrices, with special emphasis on the following topics:

  1. Analysis in food, feed and environment: veterinary drugs, forbidden compounds, pesticides, phytochemicals;
  2. Advanced analytical strategies: screening and confirmation;
  3. One Health concept;
  4. Antimicrobial resistance;
  5. Regulatory aspects;
  6. Analytical criteria and validation


Scientists wishing to contribute in the scientific program are invited to submit a 1-page abstract of no more than 200 words before the 15th January 2025 to The authors should follow the style guidelines described in the “TRACES abstract.doc” file available below.

The authors should indicate their preference as to the presentation mode (oral or poster) and will be notified as to the acceptance of their paper not later than the 28th February 2025.

All papers must be presented in English.


The time allotted for oral presentations will be 20 min, discussion included. Facilities for PowerPoint multimedia presentations will be available. No simultaneous translation will be provided.

The surface available for poster presentation will be 200 cm (height) x 85 cm (width).

VDRA 2018 posters